Kill the Buddha
Bartholomy's new book
In the aftermath
... comes receptivity
Botched Shamanic Initiation
Diagonal Causality
What is Self-Organized Criticality?
Backwater American Shamanism
The Court Jester
Something could be wrong with your pumpkin
The Golden Calf
AI as godchild of technocratic priesthood
Tapetum Lucidum
A guide for the spiritually disenchanted
Why fractals?
Biological transcoding efficiencies
Fragile Placidity
Profound states of neural excitation
Notes on enlightenment
All things into all things
Experience the nature of experience
We fabricate the real
The gymnosophist and the lonely ape
Spiritual life is an uphill battle
A conversation with Dr. Şiyar Bahadır
Psychosomatic medicine and shamanic ritual
What is a Chakra?
Most feelings are projected
21st Century Healing Ceremony
Three pillars ancient and modern
Psychedelic Perturbation
The path is instinctual
Psychedelic Confrontations
Hippocampal neurogenesis and the art of spiritual barter
Get the book
Fencing with Philip Seymour Hoffman
Is my humanity still shallow?
Monologic emotion within the music of dialogue
Inexhaustible wells of sadness
Soul is excess vitality
A formula for happiness
Fictional Metaphysic is Psychosomatic Prophylactic
Dinosaurs, AI, and Moses
The Blameless Self
I am safety from alienation and abandonment
The League of Didactic White Boys
Mythcraft in the Age of the Internet
The Burning Bush
Building Instruments of Insight
Narrative Consciousness
To think is to talk to someone who isn't there
Your Neurosis is a Guardian
The Circularity of Nietzschean Pedagogy
Those Plump Curly Chips
We are of the same body
The Birth of Purpose
Biological Intelligence and Unconscious Process
The I Is Not Here
Fred Astaire and the Feedback Membrane of Apperceptive Consciousness
The Moravec Paradox is Not Paradoxical
Intelligence within the Primordial Soup of Signs
This Brilliant Quaking Body
The Flashing Tapestry of Neural Topologies
The Undulating Surface of Perception
Surjection and Overdetermination
Neuroscience and the Big Why
The Power of Ambivalence
The Bad Psychologizing of Neuroscience
And the Quest for Metaphor
The Neuron Was Born To Swim
Purely Abstract Thought Does Not Exist
Neuroplastic Apperceptive Consciousness
The Rube Goldberg Machine of Meditation
Intelligence Sleeps in Your Fingertips
Multivariate Causal Reasoning and the Whole
Meditation as Emergent Coherence at Criticality
The grand cumulative trance of being alive
Why Do We Meditate?
The Tensegrity of Discipline
The Hostage Rescue of Meditation
Walking and the Art of Emotional Maturation
Becoming Your Own Friend
Redemption of the Tribal Creature
The Stanford Prison Experiment
Five Revaluations
Scientific Spirituality
And the Spirit of Science
You Don't Need Academia to be Educated
Autodidacts Make the Future
Our Bodies Resonate With Maladaptative Friction
Feedback Paths of the COVID Affair
A Taxonomy of Hate
Spiritual Self-Defense Curriculum
Neutralizing Moral Censure
Spiritual Self-Defense Curriculum
The Art of Perception
Psychology Requires the Whole Body
What Is Long COVID?
A Homecoming of Hubris
Repression and the Uncanny
Psychology as the Divinatory Art
The Anthropocene
Neither Hope Nor Despair
Reading: The Spirit of Decrepitude
A Diagnosis of the Babyboomer
The Spirit of Decrepitude
A Diagnosis of the Babyboomer
Reading: For the Newly Disillusioned
For the Newly Disillusioned
The Elites Didn't Do It Either
Reading: We Did It, Not Nudge
Gullibility is Only Another Disguise
We Did It, Not "Nudge"
Gullibility is Only Another Disguise
What is Consciousness?
Intelligence and consciousness are not synonymous
The Voice of the Ancestors
The Camera Doesn't Lie, You Do
Why I don't shove another profile photo in your face
Reading: Fetish of the Wretched
The Mask As Multivalent Signifier of Brutality
Fetish of the Wretched
The Mask As Multivalent Signifier of Brutality
Mutually Dependent Fictions
The Conspiracy Theorist is Hysterical Too
The Witch-Hunt Belongs To Modernity
They're Not Afraid of COVID, part 2
They're Not Afraid of COVID
Mass Hysteria and Repressed Aggression