Frustration, anxiety, alienation: these are the symptoms of modernity. People work with Bartholomy because they're looking for tools of resistance: not mere coping strategies, but a path.
When the tribe is failing, the gifted ones retreat to the wilderness to seek answers. I can show you how to leverage psychosomatic disease and psychotic fragmentation to find medicine.
Training in unconscious semantics is one of the most powerful weapons available in the war for spiritual growth. I can teach you to employ that vast domain of intelligence and intuition which most of us cannot reliably access.
We study meditation as a form of remedial neuronal training. We're interested in the frontiers of human potential: our method seeks to exploit nonlinear emergence via conditioning of the many unconscious subsystems, which produces a far greater yield of intelligent behaviors at the conscious niveaux than the usual topdown approach.
- Video sessions weekly.
- Desert retreats semi-annually.
- Sliding scale fees.
- Se habla español, más o menos. Deutsch kann ich.