Terms of Service

The following outlines the "terms of service" of all consultation offered by Bartholomy and hautogdoad LLC.

Definition of services

Bartholomy and hautogdoad LLC offers consultation in meditation, the principles of psychoanalysis, philosophy, and neuroscience research. Bartholomy and hautogdoad LLC does not offer treatment or prescription for the treatment of any disease nor does Bartholomy and hautogdoad LLC offer medical advice of any kind. All services are strictly educational.


Payment for services is collected via Stripe and subject to Stripe Inc. Consumer Terms of Service.


Clients pay for remote video sessions and/or phone calls. Clients are expected to appear for these video sessions on time. Clients receiving consultation via telephone should call the provided number at the agreed time.


All client information is strictly confidential. Bartholomy and hautogdoad LLC does not sell client information.

See our full privacy policy.


A client may cancel a session no less than 48 hours in advance. Notice should be provided via email to the address provided. Sessions not canceled prior to 48 hours are non-refundable.

Termination of service

Bartholomy and hautogdoad LLC reserve the right to terminate any session at any time, for any reason. All refunds are solely at the discretion of Bartholomy and hautogdoad LLC.


Clients may contact us at yo@bartholomy.ooo