

The Secrets of LiuHeBaFa

Li Dong Feng

translation by Bartholomy

  1. 心意本無法

Conscious intent is fundamentally without method

  1. 有法是虛無

To have a method, this is emptiness

  1. 虛無得自然

Emptiness yields the natural

  1. 無法不容恕

Yet having no method is unforgivable

  1. 放之彌六合

Relax and fulfill the six unities

  1. 包羅小天地

Gather up the microcosm

  1. 釋家為圓覺

The Buddhists perceive via the circle

  1. 道家說無為

The Daoists speak of "not doing"

  1. 有象求無象

Having an ideal, seek no ideal

  1. 不期自然至

There is no schedule for the achievement of the natural

  1. 要學心意功

If you want to learn conscious intent

  1. 先從八法起

Begin from the Eight Methods

  1. 養我浩然氣

We nourish our vast Qi

  1. 遍身皆彈力

The whole body has an elastic strength

  1. 見首不見尾

One sees the head, but not the tail

  1. 無象亦無意

Neither in shape, nor intent

  1. 收放勿露形

Receive and release without exposing the form

  1. 鬆緊要自主

Relax and tighten at will

  1. 策應宜守默

Plan ahead, while maintaining a silent defense

  1. 不偏亦不倚

Do not lean nor tilt

  1. 視不能如能

Appear unable when able

  1. 生疏莫臨敵

The inexperienced and clumsy should not face the enemy

  1. 動時把得固

When moving, remain solid

  1. 一發未深入

When striking, do not overextend

  1. 審機得其勢

Examine the opportunity to gain its advantage

  1. 乘勢擊與顧

Take advantage of the situation, strike, and look after yourself

  1. 剛在他力前

Firm at the front of his strength

  1. 柔乘他力後

Softly cling to the back of his strength

  1. 彼忙我靜待

While others are busy, we wait quietly

  1. 攻守任君鬥

The master of the fight allows both attack and defense

  1. 步步占先機

At every step, seize the first opportunity

  1. 時時要留意

You must constantly pay attention

  1. 蓄力如弓圓

Store strength like a bent bow

  1. 發勁似箭直

Issue power with the straightness of an arrow

  1. 悟透陰陽理

Fully comprehend the principle of Yin and Yang

  1. 剛柔互參就

The hard and the soft reciprocate and mingle

  1. 調息坎離交

Modulate the breath, exchange water and fire

  1. 上下中和氣

Above, below, and in the center, the Qi is harmonized

  1. 守默如臥禪

Keep silent vigil, as in sitting meditation

  1. 動似蟄龍起

Move like a dragon roused from hibernation

  1. 虛靈含有物

The spirit of emptiness contains something substantial

  1. 窈窈溟溟趣

The fathomless and deep intrigues

  1. 忽隱又忽現

Suddenly hidden, then suddenly obvious

  1. 息息任自然

Allow each breath to be natural

  1. 避免敵重力

Avoid the enemy’s primary strength

  1. 原來自我始

At first, we begin from ourself

  1. 雙單可分明

Pairs and singles can be distinguished

  1. 陰陽見虛實

Yin and Yang appear as empty and substantial

  1. 虛引敵落空

Channel emptiness, and the enemy falls into a void

  1. 欲收放更急

To receive and let go, transform your haste

  1. 兩腿似弓彎

Both legs are like bent bows

  1. 伸縮腰著力

Extend and withdraw the hips to apply force

  1. 臂脊須圜抱

The arms and spine must be rounded in an embrace

  1. 內外混元氣

Internal and external, mix the original Qi

  1. 息念要集神

Extinguish thoughts to gather spirit

  1. 仿彿臨大敵

Imitate someone facing a great enemy

  1. 目光如流電

The eye shines like rippling lightning

  1. 精神顧四隅

Consciousness watches the four corners

  1. 前四後佔六

The front bears 40%, behind 60%

  1. 掌握三與七

The hands stay at 30% and 70%

  1. 形動如浴水

The form moves like swimming

  1. 若履雲霧霽

Like treading on clouds, clearing the mist

  1. 飄飄乎欲仙

Floating and floating, seeking the immortals

  1. 浩浩乎清虛

This vast, pristine emptiness!

  1. 意動似懼虎

Intention moves like a fearsome tiger

  1. 氣靜如處子

The Qi is shy like a young maiden

  1. 犯者敵即仆

The enemy’s offense just falls flat

  1. 五總九節力

The five terminals and nine joints are strong

  1. 欲學持有恆

If you want to learn, persevere diligently

  1. 升堂可入室

The initiate will graduate to the inner chamber

  1. 顯隱無與有

Revealed or concealed, it both is and is not

  1. 凝神尋真諦

Concentrate the spirit in the search for truth

  1. 妙法有和合

The method mysteriously resolves into harmony

  1. 離塵空虛寂

Leave the dust and reside in emptiness

  1. 拳拳得服膺

Hold to what you cherish

  1. 道理極微細

The greatest truth is small and delicate

  1. 欲動似非動

Move as though not moving

  1. 靜中還有意

In the core of stillness there is an intent

  1. 息念氣自平

Cease thinking, and the Qi will balance on its own

  1. 默默守太虛

Silently guard the great emptiness

  1. 元根築基法

The primary root forms the foundation of the method

  1. 蘊藏皆珠玉

Keep all valuables well hidden

  1. 說難亦非難

Some say it's hard, but it's not

  1. 看易本非易

It may look easy, but it's not

  1. 有志事竟成

Those with the will to finish, will finish

  1. 世間無難事

Nothing is truly difficult in this world

  1. 欲學果有誠

If you want to learn, be sincere

  1. 久恒與智慧

With much time, comes wisdom

  1. 華嶽希夷門

The path of Xi Yi in the mountains

  1. 力行最為貴

Practice is most important

  1. 神意要集中

Spirit and intention must be concentrated

  1. 推動轉輪器

Push the grindstone around

  1. 一觸力即發

As soon as contact is made, force issues

  1. 使敵難迴避

Make the enemy struggle to evade

  1. 欲鬆似非鬆

When loose, appear not loose

  1. 欲緊未着力

When tight, apply no force

  1. 運使求均衡

In motion, seek equilibrium

  1. 螺旋循環氣

The cycle of Qi follows a spiral path

  1. 逢敵莫惶張

Should you meet an enemy, do not be flustered

  1. 開闔收與放

Open and close, receive and release

  1. 見形求破綻

Watch his form and look for flaws

  1. 絲毫不相讓

Do not make the slightest concession

  1. 腕肘肩胯膝

Wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, and knee

  1. 足踏手脚齊

With each step, hand and leg are synchronized

  1. 節節力貫串

The joints move in concert like a string of beads

  1. 處處無乘隙

Give no opportunity anywhere

  1. 呼吸細綿綿

Inhale and exhale smooth and silky

  1. 升降緩而急

Rise and fall unhurried, yet quickly

  1. 得法可應變

With form attained, you can adapt to circumstance

  1. 有術方為奇

Once you have proper techique, make it yours

  1. 法術二而一

The form and the art become one

  1. 缺一不能立

Neither one suffices alone

  1. 兩手輕輕起

Both hands float upward

  1. 曲伸無斷續

Winding in an unbroken curve

  1. 轉移有曲折

Every move has twists and turns

  1. 形似游龍戲

The form resembles the drama of a swimming dragon

  1. 縱橫與起伏

Crisscrossing, swelling and falling

  1. 陰陽運行數

Yin and Yang running their inevitable course

  1. 意動氣相隨

Intention moves, breath reciprocates

  1. 關節含蓄力

The joints brimming with strength

  1. 舒筋活血脈

Relaxed muscles stimulate blood flow

  1. 榮衛得適宜

The regimen cultivates excellent health

  1. 一吸氣便提

One inhale and Qi is summoned

  1. 氣氣可歸臍

Excess Qi is gathered in the belly

  1. 一提氣便咽

Activated Qi is immediately swallowed

  1. 水火得相見

Water and fire form a relationship

  1. 精研內外功

Intensive study yields results inside and out

  1. 心虛腹要實

The mind is empty, while the belly must be solid

  1. 率然取其勢

Hastily seize the moment

  1. 首尾不相離

The head and tail do not separate

  1. 奇正得相生

The unusual and the orthodox enliven each other

  1. 動靜隨心欲

Movement and stillness follow the mind's desire

  1. 麤成五字訣

This is roughly the Five Character Song

  1. 後學莫輕視

Students should not underrate it